Wednesday, July 01, 2015

DELIGHTFUL: New Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton a Huge Fan of Neo-Nazi, Hezbollah-Linked Author

The steady drip-drip-drip of Hillary Clinton's emails by the State Department appears to be an electronic version of Chinese Water Torture. Yesterday's release -- part of a monthly, rolling disclosure ordered by a federal judge sick of the Obama administration's stonewalling -- reveals that Hillary Clinton has a deep affection for a neo-Nazi kook.

...The issue with Max [Blumenthal] was whether Hillary could have Sidney as an advisor given Sidney [Blumenthal] ’s seeming support for Max’s antics, if not his anti-Israel agenda. Buzzfeed reported on the problem back in November 2013, Clinton Adviser Sid Blumenthal’s New Cause: His Son’s Anti-Israel Book…...

Max Blumenthal is toxic to any mainstream political candidate. Indeed, he’d be too toxic even to most left-wing candidates, his anti-Israel venom is so notorious.

Max’s anti-Israel conspiracy theories were a big hit with the Overland Park shooter. Liberal professor and author Eric Alterman termed Max’s book, Goliath, The Israel Haters Handbook... Recently, Max and a friend chased a German lawmaker into a bathroom because the lawmaker called them anti-Semites [see accompanying picture]...

[Now], the latest batch of Sidney’s emails shows that contrary to Hillary’s claim that she just received unsolicited advice, Sidney served a Svengali-like (or is it Rasputin-like) role in Hillary’s foreign policy thinking. Obama told Hillary to stay away from Sidney when it came to foreign policy, but Hillary seemed to be addicted to the long-time Clinton confidant...

...That would be issue enough, given Max’s desire to destroy Israel...

...As reported at The Washington Free Beacon, while Hillary was Secretary of State she approved of Max’s polemics in communications with Sidney:

Hillary Clinton praised a book written by the anti-Israel activist Max Blumenthal in emails released by the State Department on Tuesday, garnering Blumenthal his most prominent public endorsement since David Duke’s website gave another of his books its stamp of approval.

Clinton called Blumenthal’s book Republican Gomorrah—which sought to document radicalism in the GOP—“great” in a Sept. 11, 2009 email to the author’s father, Sidney Blumenthal, a long-time Clinton confidante.

“Max is #10 [on the Amazon bestseller list], now ahead of Glenn Beck; #1 political and history book,” wrote the elder Blumenthal.

Clinton replied with a congratulatory note.

“[Max] should be–I just finished the book and it’s great. Congrats to all!” she wrote.

A few days later, Clinton emailed Sidney Blumenthal again and asked, “Is Max still rising up the best seller list?” ...

I call Max Blumenthal a neo-Nazi because, as UK Media Watch reports, the left-wing kook proudly appeared with a fellow neo-Nazi speaker late last year.

Oh, and Max was the inspiration for KKK murderer Frazier Glenn Cross and worked for a Nazi-inspired Hezbollah periodical.

Are you ready for Hillary?

Hat tip: BadBlue News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Despite her previous testimonials, both Sid and Maxie can expect the Rev Wright treatment in 3....2....1.

Besides the Judges order (like when have they ever listened to any of those), I have this picture stuck in my head of ValGalPal Jarrett working the list of released emails, just to get even with Secretary Granny.
